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Saturday, February 13, 2010

SL Encounter

Well, it was a great experience for me even though at the begining was very frustrating for me as I did not get anywhere. It was the first time for me I've tried such a website and SL needs someone who knows what he / she's doing otherwise the person on such a website will be lost and demotivated afterwhile. Probably it is pretty handy to know first more about SL and its web command functions, how to use and move around before things get too serious. SL may be useful for students who have a good command of English and IT knowledge about the internet and how make use of different functions. Otherwise weaker students may struggle a lot with it and need more guidance and instructions before they can try SL. We can consider this website useful and helpful to learn English if students feel there is a benefit and real improvement in their English as result of using SL.http://secondlife.com/


  1. Sorry to leave a irrelevant message here. I am Wendy, your groupmate, as I am not in the same Wed class as you and other groupmate, i can't discuss the group project with you all last week. I tried many times to sent you the pdf. of the chapter about Food. But Your email seems wrong..all fail to sent to you. So please sent me a email to tell me what you guys are doing about the project. I will try to give the material to you..my MSN: wanchi525@hotmail.com

  2. great and well done. I've received from you as hard copy..
