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How to maximise the usage of IT technologies in teaching and learning?

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Hubbard's Article on Courseware Evaluation Framework

It is an overwhelming to read Hubbard’s article about the evaluation framework, it is seems to be an authentic in nature and presented in a well organized manner, which can help us a teachers to create and invent our own assessment for training and learning related to the classroom setting. At the end of the day we can have a deeper understanding and through knowledge on how to conduct a proper evaluation in a more clearer, versatile and meaningful way.But on the other I’ m a bit concerned about the amount of time and effort required to describe every single detail related to different tasks of the courseware! Mind instead goes through a checklist. I presume that there is a rationale of doing so this way as this article suggested. It is really an amazing experience for me and us all to expand our thoughts and horizons about new IT technologies to get the fruit of it all in teaching and learning combined. Well it might be tempting to use some of tools the article mentioned, but as language teachers we are pretty soaked with too administrative and teaching duties. I would guess we try to see which one of them can be applicable which is in this case teacher's fit. The teacher try to assess which teaching material can be used for a particular lesson and form.https://eportal.cityu.edu.hk/bbcswebdav/courses/02EN6482/Readings/Hubbard1988.pdf

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